Answered i dont understand i button yes but nothing happen


Testing Team

You are taken to the downloads page where the installer is located. In your case it appears that you are using ASXP:

Please download and install over top of your existing installation.


Testing Team

Once downloaded press the ^ button then select "Show in folder" which will then open the folder the installer is located. Double-click on the installer to update ASXP. Hope this helps.


Testing Team
Bare for å gi deg beskjed om at oppdateringsmeldingen som bare vises, forteller brukerne at det er en oppdatering tilgjengelig, og deretter fører dem til nedlastingssiden. Active Sky oppdateres ikke automatisk. Du må fremdeles laste ned og oppdatere Active Sky med installasjonsprogrammet.

Jeg har brukt Google translate til å sende denne meldingen, svare på norsk, og jeg vil lese meldingen din med oversetteren hvis det skulle komme ytterligere kommentarer eller bekymringer fra deg.

Håper dette hjelper.


New member
hi when i download ASXP Installer with 070820 Update
when its done setup now the version is 7494 and i think it was the same when i bough it
please help me to update this one why has to be annoying to update this things
and tell me what version when update done


Testing Team
The file which you downloaded when purchased might be a different version of Build 7494. To resolve the update message simply uninstall ASXP ensuring to remove all saved data then download and install from our downloads page:


Testing Team
Yes, that is the latest version. You can disable update notifications in ASXP Options\Warning options